After an epic battle, a great city lies in ruins, but the Earth itself is saved. As humanity begins to pick up the pieces, a shadowy group emerges to try to take control of history. Meanwhile, an ancient and powerful new menace sets its sights on Earth. A new group of humans, led by Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg), helps Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen) and the Autobots rise up to meet their most fearsome challenge yet: a worldwide war of good versus evil.
Release date: June 27, 2014 (USA)
Initial DVD release: September 30, 2014 (USA)
Movie reviews
Still, for audience members that enjoyed prior films in the series (even while acknowledging their faults), Transformers: Age of Extinction is the biggest Robots In Disguise movie yet.
Bay at his worst is like an attention-deficient kid banging his toy bots together in the basement rec room.
thought that this might be the Transformers film to break the cycle,
upending all expectations by actually being good. I was wrong.
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